Rich Habits, Poor Habits (The Success Beliefs of the Rich)

Rich Habits, Poor Habits (The Success Beliefs of the Rich)

While exploring the attitudes and habits that shape the financial destiny of self-made millionaires and billionaires, I have found several repeating psychological and behavioral habits of the wealthy. Those who have amassed considerable wealth have a distinctive mindset and certain habits that guide their path to financial success. Let me share these rich habits with you and see how they differ from poor habits, helping you shape your prosperity beliefs.

What are the ten rich habits?

  1. They believe they can get rich. 
  2. They have a growth mindset. 
  3. They appreciate money as an asset and grow it. 
  4. They use their abilities and talents to create businesses, products, and services.
  5. They take intelligent risks to build wealth. 
  6. They have an abundance mindset. 
  7. They believe in capitalism. 
  8. They are hungry for knowledge and growth. 
  9. Their business is their passion, hobby, and job. 
  10. They have a laser-like focus on their financial goals. 

Let’s explore the habits that make people rich and the inverse poor habit.

They Believe They Can Get Rich

Affluent individuals harness the power of belief. They are not shackled by doubt or self-deprecation but are firmly confident they can achieve wealth. For instance, an entrepreneur does not open a business, thinking they might fail. They plunge into the marketplace, fully confident in their potential to prosper. This unwavering self-belief fuels their journey toward wealth creation. It’s a poor habit not to believe in the possibility of building your wealth. Without the correct beliefs, you’ll never even try.

They Have a Growth Mindset

The rich tend not to rest on their laurels. They see potential and opportunity, whereas others see obstacles. Rather than shying away from challenges, they embrace them, viewing them as opportunities to learn and improve. An example can be seen in a company owner facing market competition head-on, using it to motivate them to innovate and surpass their rivals. The rich believe in their potential for growth, while the poor habit is to have a fixed mindset that the way you are now is the way you will always be.

They Appreciate Money as an Asset and Grow It

Those that have created wealth see money not as a means to an end or something to be spent immediately but as a tool to grow and create wealth. They invest wisely and use capital to build businesses, not just spend it; they plan for the future. For instance, they might invest in real estate, knowing that property values generally increase over time, yielding profitable returns in the future. A poor habit is to earn money and spend it immediately on consumer purchases.

They Use Their Abilities and Talents to Create Businesses, Products, and Services

Individuals with considerable wealth harness their innate talents, skills, and passions to develop businesses, products, and services that provide value to others. A talented writer, for instance, may leverage their craft to create best-selling books or even a publishing company, satisfying their creative desires and generating significant income. The rich habitually create products with economic value, while the poor habit is only consuming products.

They Take Intelligent Risks to Build Wealth

While they don’t gamble recklessly, wealthy individuals understand the necessity of taking calculated risks to grow their capital. A great example is a savvy investor who, after careful analysis, invests in a promising start-up, fully aware of the potential for a substantial return on investment and the odds of losing all that capital. A poor habit is to take no risk at all, or worse, take risks with the odds against them, like in a casino or by playing the lottery. Intelligent risks are taken with money you can afford to lose and create a good risk/reward ratio through the size of the potential win and the probability of winning.

They Have an Abundance Mindset

Those who have accumulated substantial wealth rarely focus on scarcity; instead, they concentrate on abundance. They see plenty of opportunities and believe in the possibility of shared prosperity. They know that another’s success does not diminish their own; there is enough for everyone. A poor habit is to think with a scarcity mindset and believe that everything is limited, that life is a zero-sum game, and there are always winners and losers. The scarcity mindset thinks all economic winners took their wealth from someone else. An abundance mindset believes that everyone wins when someone creates a great new business that provides jobs, products, and services that customers purchase. The business can also make investors wealthy. Everyone can win with economic growth.

They Believe in Capitalism

With its rewards for innovation and hard work, capitalism is a philosophy that wealthy self-made individuals often endorse as the suitable economic model. They see the free market as a dynamic environment that rewards entrepreneurial ventures that solve customer problems. They recognize it as the only economic model where businesses win based on earned merit from customers. A poor habit is to look for government to pick winners in business and provide services that are better done in the private sector.

They Are Hungry for Knowledge and Growth

Self-made individuals have an insatiable appetite for learning and growth. They are continual students of life, continually seeking ways to improve their skills, knowledge, and understanding. A successful entrepreneur, for instance, constantly reads, attends seminars, and learns from mentors to enhance their business acumen. It’s a poor habit not to learn, grow, and continuously increase your skill and work experience.

Their Business Is Their Passion, Hobby, and Job

Wealthy individuals often turn their passion into their profession. They find a way to make money doing what they love, ensuring that their work is not just a means of income but a fulfilling pursuit. A successful chef, for instance, blends their love for cooking and business, creating a profitable restaurant that doesn’t feel like work. It’ ‘s a poor habit to get stuck in a job you hate that hurts the energy and passion you put into it to be successful.

They Have a Laser-Like Focus on Their Financial Goals

Successful individuals don’t allow distractions to derail them from their financial targets. They keep a sharp eye on their goals, ensuring every decision moves them closer to their intended destination. For instance, an entrepreneur planning to expand their business globally would strategically focus on understanding foreign markets and establishing beneficial partnerships. It is an ordinary poor habit to have no personal financial goals and let life take their finances wherever they go based on evolving circumstances.

Key Takeaways

  • The self-made rich firmly believe in their potential to create wealth from the start.
  • The rich habitually embrace a growth mindset, thriving on challenges as learning opportunities.
  • Treating money as a wealth-growing tool, the rich invest wisely.
  • The rich develop profitable businesses, products, or services by capitalizing on personal abilities and passions.
  • The rich understand the importance of taking calculated risks for wealth expansion.
  • The wealthy mindset is one of abundance, not scarcity.
  • The rich endorse capitalism as a wealth-building economic system.
  • The rich have a constant thirst for knowledge, always seeking personal and professional growth.
  • By transforming passion into a profession, the rich ensure work is fulfilling.
  • The rich keep focused on an undeterred path toward their financial goals.

It’s a poor habit to do the opposite of the abovementioned things.


The journey to wealth is less about the dollars in your bank account and more about the mindset and habits you cultivate. Those who amass wealth do so not by chance but by adopting beliefs that support financial prosperity. Understanding and adopting these principles allows anyone to rewire their habits and beliefs to pave their path to financial abundance.