How to Become the Best at What You Do

How to Become the Best at What You Do

In the grand scheme of our existence, excellence stands as a beacon, an ambition that makes our sojourn worthwhile. Regardless of the arena, be it sports, arts, or business, striving for excellence transcends the mundane, ordinary life, turning every action into a profound contribution to personal and societal growth. In the following discourse, we will explore what it means to be ‘the best,’ the essential steps to achieving excellence, and the transformative effect it can induce.

Understand What “The Best” Really Means

‘The Best,’ a phrase we often toss around, masks an inherent subjectivity. Personal bias, cultural influences, and societal values shape our interpretation of it. ‘The best’ varies from person to person; however, ‘doing your best’ remains a constant, something within our control.

To be the best involves a combination of competence, commitment, creativity, and communication. It’s about surpassing standards, stepping ahead, and imprinting our mark. It transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary through personal resilience and relentless pursuit.

Discover Your Passion

Passion, a vigorous emotion, can kindle a transformative journey toward excellence. The quest begins with introspection – understanding your interests, strengths, and the causes that ignite your spirit.

Consider the prodigious Steve Jobs. His passion for technology and design aesthetics led him to establish Apple, thereby revolutionizing the tech industry. Passion provides the necessary fuel to endure the journey of excellence.

Cultivate the Right Mindset

The lens through which we perceive our reality is our mindset. It significantly influences our journey toward excellence. Understanding the concept of a ‘growth’ versus a ‘fixed’ perspective, as put forth by psychologist Carol Dweck, becomes pivotal here.

Cultivating a growth mindset, a belief that abilities can improve over time, is necessary to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and view effort as the pathway to mastery. Practices like self-reflection, mindfulness, and positive affirmations can aid in nurturing a growth mindset.

Master the Skills Necessary for Your Field

To excel, one must master hard and soft skills, the building blocks of expertise. Acquiring knowledge, developing techniques, and practicing diligently fall under hard skills, whereas empathy, leadership, and adaptability come under soft skills.

Engaging in deliberate practice is essential, a focused, goal-oriented process involving constant feedback. It’s not just about the quantity but the quality of training that drives proficiency and, ultimately, excellence.

Embrace Continuous Learning and Improvement

Lifelong learning implies continuous growth and adaptation to an ever-evolving world. It involves learning from successes and failures, which are crucial turning points in our journey.

Online courses, podcasts, webinars, and books offer abundant resources for continuous learning. Embrace these opportunities to enrich your knowledge and skills, facilitating constant growth in your chosen field.

Build a Strong Support Network

No person is an island. A strong network of mentors, peers, and a positive support system can considerably elevate your pursuit of excellence.

With their wealth of experience, mentors can guide you toward better strategies and practices. Cultivating professional relationships can open doors to new opportunities. Actively engage in networking events, online platforms, and community groups to build your network.

Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

The pursuit of excellence requires a sound body and mind. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest significantly enhance performance. Moreover, mental health, often overlooked, plays a critical role in maintaining focus and resilience.

Mindfulness exercises, therapy, and work-life balance are essential strategies for good mental health. Remember, the pursuit of excellence should not compromise your well-being.

Develop Resilience and Handle Failures

On the road to excellence, setbacks and failures are inevitable. These are not dead-ends but stepping stones to success, testing our resilience and ability to bounce back.

Despite multiple failures, Thomas Edison developed the electric light bulb, leaving a mark on history. You can transform setbacks into comebacks by maintaining a positive attitude, learning from mistakes, and remaining steadfast.

Set and Pursue SMART Goals

SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound – serve as a roadmap for your journey to excellence. These goals provide direction, boost motivation, and offer a clear sense of accomplishment.

Maintaining goal flexibility is crucial. In an ever-changing world, adaptability often dictates success. If circumstances demand, do not hesitate to re-evaluate and adjust your plans.


Striving for excellence is a personal and ceaseless journey. It’s about understanding the meaning of ‘the best,’ discovering your passion, cultivating a growth mindset, mastering necessary skills, embracing continuous learning, building a solid network, taking care of your physical and mental health, developing resilience, and setting SMART goals.

In essence, being the best version of ourselves isn’t a destination but a journey. Each step forward, irrespective of its size, marks progress. In the words of the legendary Vince Lombardi, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.” So let us embark on this journey, embracing the challenges, the learning, the failures, and the victories that lie ahead in the pursuit of excellence. The journey promises to be as rewarding as the destination, if not more.