6 Millionaire Habits that Made Me a Millionaire

6 Millionaire Habits that Made Me a Millionaire

Imagine if you could see the journey of a millionaire, understand their habits, and incorporate those behaviors into your own life. What if these habits could lead you to financial freedom and ultimately help you achieve millionaire status yourself? This is precisely what this article is about.

This article explores the six transformative habits instrumental in my accumulating a seven-figure net worth. These habits span from seeking wisdom from experienced mentors, living frugally to save and invest, setting and relentlessly pursuing financial goals, to taking wise, calculated risks. I also discuss the magic of compounding returns and the crucial ability to seize golden opportunities when they arise.

Each of these habits offers invaluable insights and practical steps that you can adapt to your financial journey. This article is more than just a glimpse into the financial trajectory of a millionaire; it’s a roadmap to financial success and independence tailored to guide you toward your financial aspirations. It’s time to start turning your dreams into reality and embark on your journey to becoming a millionaire.

Becoming a millionaire is more than just a dream; it’s an accomplishment that requires the right mindset, strategies, and habits.

The six millionaire habits that made me a millionaire:

  1. Listening to Guidance from the Right People
  2. Living Below My Means
  3. Focusing on My Goals 
  4. Taking Calculated Risks
  5. Using the Power Of Compounding Returns
  6. Seizing Opportunities

1. Listening to Guidance from the Right People

There’s a saying made famous by Jim Rohn, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” You must surround yourself with individuals who motivate, inspire, and guide you toward your financial goals. I quickly realized the importance of seeking counsel from mentors who had already succeeded in a particular field I aspired to.

The people who helped me achieve my goals gave me a piece of the puzzle on my journey. Their knowledge and experience significantly influenced my financial decisions and behaviors. But remember, it’s equally important to avoid negative influencers who may deter your progress or lead you astray.

My guidance on the road to success came from diverse influences.

The trading books by Michael Covel and Jack Schwager gave me insights into the strategies and systems of the most successful traders in the world. This helped me both build and keep safe large investing and trading accounts.

Richard Weissman was the closest thing I had to a one-on-one mentor, as he gave my trading system a consultation and advised me on what I could improve.

Uri with B&N Publishing said I should write a trading book since I had been so popular as a trading book reviewer. He published my first book. I published over twenty-five more books; many were #1 on Amazon in their categories.

Allen Sircy told me I needed to build a website and not just share my trading content on social media. He turned out to be correct.

My wife Holly said I should build eCourses since she knew how to do it, and I knew the content that needed to go into them. They turned out to be popular.

The point is no one is a success on their own. If you want to be a millionaire, it’s going to take modeling the success of others in your chosen field, learning from those that have the skills you need to learn, listening to the advice of people that have done what you want to do, and working with the right people. Most of my accomplishments were due to others’ advice or encouragement. However, we must all do our own work.

2. Living Below My Means

Living below my means was one of the cornerstone habits that contributed to my financial success. It’s easy to get caught up in a lifestyle of luxury and indulgence, especially when you start earning more, but remember, the key to wealth-building isn’t how much you earn but how much you save and invest.

Over time, I accumulated my first levels of wealth by cutting unnecessary expenses, avoiding debt, and prioritizing saving in my investment accounts. This practice gave me a financial cushion and allowed me to invest more, leading to greater financial prosperity. I have never been materialistic, and I am a minimalist by nature. This made saving up capital easier than it is for most people. I also benefitted from focusing on investing and trading the tech sector through the 1990s, helping me build a sizable investment account while still in my 20s.

Most self-made millionaires buy their fancy toys after they get rich, not during the journey to wealth. When starting, you must convert your earned income to investment capital by buying investments, building trading capital, building cash-flowing assets, or building a business. This is what I did.

3. Focusing on My Goals

Becoming a millionaire didn’t happen overnight. I wrote my goals down when I was 19 years old inside the cover of the Tony Robbins book “Unlimited Power.” My journey was a process that required dedication, discipline, and laser-focused goals. It took many years of trial and error, but I had clear, measurable financial targets and a well-planned strategy. When I was not progressing, I looked at my goals and got back on track in the right direction. Whether saving a specific amount every month, investing returns in certain assets, trading profits with specific strategies, or creating additional income streams, each goal was a stepping stone toward my millionaire status.

Keeping these goals in mind helped me stay on track, resist the temptation to deviate from my financial plan, and maintain my motivation during challenging times. I accomplished 99% of my goals from my original list, and most seemed absurd when I wrote them.

4. Taking Calculated Risks

Risk and reward go hand in hand, especially in finance and investing. While I always valued the security of my savings and investment account, I understood that I needed to take calculated risks to grow my wealth. These risks weren’t gambles but rather well-thought-out decisions based on thorough research, analysis, and sometimes intuition. I always wanted to put the odds in my favor and the risk to be worth the potential reward.

Investing in stocks, trading, real estate, or starting a business may seem risky, but they can yield substantial returns strategically and wisely. However, it’s crucial to balance risk with reward and never risk more than you’re willing or able to lose. In the age of digital assets, there are endless low-risk businesses you can not start that only require your time, research, and effort.

5. Using the Power Of Compounding Returns

Albert Einstein once famously said that compounding is the world’s eighth wonder. I can vouch for that. Compounding returns is a powerful tool in wealth-building. It’s the process where your earnings generate even more earnings, and over time, this growth can be exponential.

By investing early and consistently and allowing my returns to compound, I was able to accelerate my wealth growth. While it requires patience, the results are incredibly rewarding and worth waiting for. I started saving, investing, and compounding capital at 18, which changed my life. This is the principle Warren Buffett used that few understand.

Compounding also applies to building a business. The compounding effect, a principle often tied to financial growth, can also be strategically applied to business development. This concept translates into making consistent incremental improvements in products, services, and processes, which over time, yield significant outcomes. Similarly, by routinely reinvesting profits into the business for areas like R&D, marketing, or personnel hiring, a business can experience a cycle of increasing returns. This compounding principle also extends to building customer relationships, where sustained excellent service can foster loyalty, thereby increasing customer retention and referrals. Lastly, the ongoing enhancement of team skills and knowledge can lead to productivity gains and innovative approaches that compound over time, driving business growth and success.

6. Seizing Opportunities

Finally, seizing opportunities when they came my way was pivotal in my journey to becoming a millionaire. Whether it was a good stock investment, a bull market to profit from, a business proposition, or a career advancement, I learned to identify and take advantage of these opportunities.

It’s crucial to be in a position where you can recognize a good opportunity and act on it promptly. This habit often requires intuition, data, market awareness, and a fair amount of acceptance of uncertainty, but it can significantly boost your wealth-building efforts.

We all get many great opportunities; identifying and seizing them is the key to wealth-building and overall success.

Key Takeaways

  • Cultivate an inner environment of positivity and financial wisdom by associating with knowledgeable and successful individuals.
  • Opt for a financially sustainable lifestyle that promotes wealth accumulation rather than encourages overspending.
  • Maintain unwavering dedication and discipline toward achieving clearly defined financial objectives.
  • Make informed financial decisions that involve an element of risk to yield considerable returns.
  • Leverage the phenomenon of compounding returns to enhance your wealth-building efforts in investments and business.
  • Keep your eyes open for lucrative opportunities and be ready to capitalize on them swiftly and effectively.


Embarking on the journey to millionaire status is a strategic endeavor grounded in adopting the correct set of behaviors. This process entails learning from seasoned experts, embracing a sustainable financial lifestyle, and staying relentlessly focused on your financial targets. It’s about daring to venture into rewarding yet risky investments, harnessing the magic of compound growth, and being agile enough to seize profitable opportunities. Integrating these six wealth-building habits into your daily life sets the stage for a financially prosperous future, potentially achieving millionaire status. Remember, the journey to financial independence starts with a single step, so there’s no better time to start than now. Becoming a millionaire is not about luck or getting an inheritance. It’s about adopting the proper habits, consistency, and making intelligent financial decisions.