Habits to Break the Poverty Mindset : (Jim Rohn ) Top 10 Rules

Habits to Break the Poverty Mindset : (Jim Rohn ) Top 10 Rules

Breaking free from poverty requires developing habits that foster an abundance mentality. This post will explore the top 10 rules recommended by the late personal development icon Jim Rohn for reprogramming your financial thinking. Implementing these powerful habits can help anyone shift from scarcity and lack to prosperity consciousness.

Rohn emphasized that these habits of wealthy and successful people are accessible to anyone regardless of current financial circumstances. With discipline and perseverance, these habits can recondition your beliefs and transform results. The key is expanding your knowledge, skills, associations, and contributions. Let’s examine how these ten habits contribute to creating true wealth.

 Top ten rules to create habits to break the poverty mindset by Jim Rohn:

  1. Keep strict accounts of your money and spending. Know where your money goes.
  2. Develop a positive attitude towards paying bills and taxes as obligations to maintain society.
  3. Give back to charity and community – donate 10% of income.
  4. Save and invest 10% of income for the future and capital projects.
  5. Engage in enterprise, commerce, and capitalism – use your skills to provide value.
  6. Associate with positive, successful people to expand your thinking and skills. Limit negative influences.
  7. Continuously educate yourself by reading books, listening to educational content, and having intellectual discussions.
  8. Set clear goals for your life in finances, health, family, education, and lifestyle. Review and expand goals regularly.
  9. Find a mentor who can provide guidance, ask tough questions, and measure your progress.
  10. Become the skilled, cultured, intelligent person that successful people want to associate with.[1]

1. Keep Strict Accounts of Your Finances

Carefully tracking every dollar is vital to gain control of your finances. Monitor where the money comes from and what it’s spent on. Use budgeting techniques and expense-tracking tools to maintain constant awareness. Review detailed bank statements to spot spending patterns and root out waste. Never let funds mysteriously “disappear” without explanation. Ignorance leads to poverty. Knowledge prevents poverty by empowering the intentional management of limited resources.

2. Adopt a Positive Attitude Towards Financial Obligations

It’s tempting to resent bills and taxes, viewing them as burdensome impositions. But shift perspective to see them as necessary obligations for maintaining a functional society. Approach bills as payments exchanged for value received. View taxes as investments in shared infrastructure enabling opportunity. Pay with a sense of contributing to the greater good. This attitude attracts more income instead of repelling it.

3. Donate 10% of Your Income to Charity

Giving back instills abundance and gratitude. Commit to donating 10% of income to help the less fortunate. Support causes improving society broadly or assisting individuals in need. Donate to established charities or set up your own philanthropic fund. Start when income is modest, so generosity becomes a habit before large sums arrive. Giving provides meaning.

4. Save and Invest 10% of Your Income

Save and invest 10% to build wealth. Savings accounts create stability and allow growth through compound interest. Invest in diverse assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate. Start small; time and disciplined savings accumulate exponentially. Developing this habit early and maintaining it leads to financial freedom. Pay yourself first before spending on wants.

5. Engage in Enterprise and Commerce

Provide value to others through commerce and enterprise. Use skills and effort to solve problems and fill needs. Capitalism channels ambition and creativity into mutually beneficial voluntary transactions, not zero-sum exploitation. Start side businesses, invest in assets, and develop in-demand skills. Economic freedom benefits all.

6. Associate with Positive, Successful People

Associations profoundly influence us, so carefully choose who to spend time with. Surround yourself with people exhibiting positive habits you seek to emulate. Limit time with those exerting negative pull. Consciously expand your circle to include successful people and absorb their wisdom. Replicate behaviors and mindsets contributing to their achievement.

7. Continuously Educate Yourself

Read books covering economics, personal finance, investing, and wealth creation. Also, read philosophy, history, and biography to expand perspective. Listen to educational audio during spare moments. Discuss ideas with insightful people. Attend lectures and classes to gain financial insight. Knowledge provides the raw material for transformative thinking. Make learning a lifelong habit.

8. Set Clear Goals for All Aspects of Life

Well-defined goals channel efforts and drive results. Set specific financial targets and define health, family, career, and self-actualization goals. Maintain balance across all responsibilities. Re-evaluate and expand goals semi-annually as knowledge and experience increase. Vividly envision achieving them. Goals infuse life with direction and meaning.

9. Find a Mentor to Provide Guidance and Measure Progress

Mentors support your growth by sharing wisdom, refinement, and tracking progress. Make finding a high-quality mentor a priority. Meet regularly to review actions and discuss ideas. Wise mentoring relationships accelerate development. Look for mentors with money management knowledge, patience, and care for your success. Quality mentoring is invaluable.

10. Become the Type of Person Successful People Want to Associate With

You become the average of the five people closest to you. So, study successful people and seek to emulate their habits, knowledge, skills, and mindsets. Improve language skills, read widely, develop cultural literacy, and practice self-discipline. Positive associations reinforce uplifting patterns. By becoming exceptional yourself, you attract great mentors and collaborators.

Key Takeaways

  • Monitor every dollar coming in and going out through strict budgeting and expense tracking.
  • View financial obligations like bills and taxes as necessary contributions rather than burdens.
  • Donate a percentage of income to charitable causes to foster abundance and meaning.
  • Consistently save and invest a portion of income to build wealth through compounding.
  • Create value for others by starting businesses, investing, and building skills.
  • Limit time with negative influences and expand associations with successful role models.
  • Never stop learning by reading, listening to audiobooks, and discussing ideas.
  • Set goals in all areas of life, like finances, health, family, career, and personal growth.
  • Find a mentor to provide wisdom, feedback, and accountability on your development.
  • Improve yourself to become the type of exceptional person successful people want to partner with.


Escaping the scarcity mindset requires rigorously managing finances, adopting an optimistic view of obligations, generously giving back, patiently accumulating assets, creating economic value, curating positive influences, dedicating yourself to lifelong education, defining holistic goals, finding wise mentors, and continually improving yourself. Implementing these habits leads to prosperity consciousness.