12 Money Habits That Feel Like Cheating

12 Money Habits That Feel Like Cheating

Welcome to the world of savvy financial strategies, where mastering money habits can feel almost like you’ve discovered a secret cheat code. Managing finances efficiently is more important than ever in today’s challenging economic environment. But what if you could do it in a way that’s effective and feels surprisingly accessible, almost like you’re bending the rules in your favor?

This article delves into twelve transformative habits that can make handling your finances feel less like a chore and more like a clever game you’re winning. From automating your savings to investing in low-cost index funds, these habits are designed to put you on a fast track to financial success, making the most of your money with minimal effort.

The 12 Money Habits That Feel Like Cheating:

  1. Gamification in Personal Finance: Applying game design elements to savings, spending, and investing habits to make them more engaging and motivating. This includes setting up rules for automatic savings and creating a positive reinforcement loop.
  2. Implement Financial Focus Days: Dedicate days each month for concentrated financial management. This involves gathering all financial documents and focusing on paying bills, reviewing budgets, and reassessing investments.
  3. Embrace Productive Laziness (Automating Finances): Automate savings, bill payments, and investments to reduce the temptation to overspend and ensure consistent progress toward financial goals.
  4. Plan for Financial Milestones and Transitions: Anticipate, prepare, and adapt your financial plan for life events like job changes, marriage, property purchases, and retirement.
  5. Create a Vision: Set clear, inspiring long-term financial goals. Write them down to increase the likelihood of achieving them. Think about them every night as you fall asleep.
  6. Stacking Small Wins: Celebrate and build upon minor financial victories to create positive reinforcement and maintain good financial habits.
  7. Increase Income Before Decreasing Expenses: Focus on boosting income through side hustles, asking for raises, promotions, or acquiring new skills. There’s a limit to how much you can reduce expenses.
  8. Track Your Spending: Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to monitor monthly expenditures, helping to identify unnecessary spending and align with financial goals.
  9. Invest in Low-Cost Index Funds: For long-term investing, low-cost index funds often outperform actively managed funds when considering fees and expenses. This passive investment strategy requires less effort and can yield substantial returns over most ten-year periods.
  10. Utilize Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Maximize contributions to tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, or HSAs. These accounts can offer tax savings now or in the future, making them an intelligent way to grow wealth more efficiently.
  11. Invest in Yourself: Continuously invest in your education and skills, especially those that can increase your earning potential. This can include formal education, online courses, or attending workshops and seminars related to your field.
  12. Utilize High-Interest Savings Accounts: Instead of keeping all your savings in a standard account, use high-interest or money market accounts. The higher interest rates can make a noticeable difference over time, essentially earning money with minimal effort.

These habits focus on long-term wealth building and maintaining a healthy financial lifestyle.

Keep reading for a deeper dive into each of these money hacks.

Gamify Your Finances for Fun and Profit

Gamification in Personal Finance: The idea here is simple yet powerful – apply game design elements to your savings, spending, and investing habits to make them more engaging and motivating. This could mean setting up rules for automatic savings where you ‘level up’ your savings account or creating a positive reinforcement loop for your spending habits.

By turning financial management into a game, you’ll likely stick with good habits and enjoy the process. Think of your finances in terms of points and levels to make it more of a game.

Master Your Money with Financial Focus Days

Implement Financial Focus Days: Imagine dedicating one day each month solely to your finances – gathering all your financial documents and focusing on tasks like paying bills, reviewing budgets, and reassessing your investments.

This concentrated effort keeps you on top of your finances and helps you make informed decisions without the daily distractions of life. The first or the fifteenth of each month can be good days for this.

The Art of Productive Laziness: Automating Your Finances

Embrace Productive Laziness (Automating Finances): Laziness can be productive in the personal finance world. By automating your savings, bill payments, and investments, you reduce the temptation to overspend and ensure consistent progress toward your financial goals. Automation means your money is being managed efficiently without requiring your daily attention. This can apply to bill pay and automatic deposits into your savings or investment accounts.

Navigating Life’s Financial Milestones with Ease

Plan for Financial Milestones and Transitions: Life is full of changes – job transitions, marriage, property purchases, and retirement. Anticipating, preparing for, and adapting your financial plan for these events is crucial. It’s about having a flexible financial strategy to accommodate life’s inevitable changes. Be prepared for each financial stage of your life.

Crafting a Compelling Financial Vision

Create a Vision: Setting clear, inspiring long-term financial goals is a powerful motivator. Writing down these goals clarifies your economic aspirations and significantly increases the likelihood of achieving them. A vision acts as a roadmap, guiding your financial decisions and keeping you focused on the end goal.

Celebrating Small Wins for Big Financial Gains

Stacking Small Wins: Every financial victory, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Celebrating these minor wins builds momentum and creates positive reinforcement. It’s about acknowledging and using progress as a foundation for future financial success.

Boosting Income: The Key to Financial Freedom

Increase Income Before Decreasing Expenses: While cutting back on expenses is essential, increasing your income can be even more effective. This could mean pursuing side hustles, asking for raises, or acquiring new skills. There’s a limit to how much you can cut back, but your potential to earn more is virtually limitless.

Savvy Spending: Tracking Your Way to Savings

Track Your Spending: Keeping a close eye on where your money goes each month is crucial. Budgeting apps or spreadsheets help you monitor your expenditures, identify unnecessary spending, and ensure that your spending aligns with your financial goals. It’s about being conscious of every dollar that goes out and ensuring it’s spent wisely.

The Power of Low-Cost Index Funds in Investing

Invest in Low-Cost Index Funds: Low-cost index funds are often a smart choice for long-term investing. They typically outperform actively managed funds when you consider fees and expenses. This passive investment strategy requires less effort and can yield substantial returns over time, making it an excellent option for those looking to grow their wealth with minimal hassle.

Maximizing Wealth with Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Utilize Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, or HSAs offer tax benefits now or in the future. By maximizing contributions to these accounts, you’re not only saving for the future but also doing it in a tax-efficient manner. It’s an intelligent way to grow your wealth more efficiently.

Investing in Yourself: The Ultimate Financial Strategy

Invest in Yourself: Investing in your education and skills is perhaps the most critical financial strategy. Whether through formal education, online courses, or attending workshops and seminars related to your field, enhancing your skills can significantly increase your earning potential.

Earning More with High-Interest Savings Accounts

Utilize High-Interest Savings Accounts: Consider high-interest or money market accounts instead of keeping all your savings in a standard account. The higher interest rates can make a noticeable difference over time, essentially earning you money with minimal effort.

Key Takeaways

  • Transforming Finance into a Game: Make managing money an enjoyable challenge.
  • Dedicated Financial Management Days: Set aside specific times for an in-depth financial review.
  • Effortless Money Management: Leverage automation for financial tasks.
  • Adapting to Financial Life Changes: Be prepared for significant life events affecting finances.
  • Visionary Financial Goals: Establish and document inspiring financial objectives.
  • Small Victories, Big Impact: Recognize and build upon even minor financial successes.
  • Elevating Earnings: Prioritize increasing income over merely reducing expenses.
  • Conscious Expenditure Tracking: Monitor and optimize where every dollar is spent.
  • Strategic Long-Term Investments: Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of index funds.
  • Tax-Efficient Savings: Utilize accounts that offer tax benefits.
  • Self-Investment for Financial Growth: Continuously improve personal skills and knowledge.
  • Optimizing Savings with Higher Returns: Choose savings accounts with better interest rates.


Embracing these twelve financial strategies can revolutionize how you handle money, transforming a routine task into an empowering journey toward economic prosperity. By integrating these practices, you streamline your financial management and cultivate a mindset geared toward growth and efficiency.

This approach transcends traditional money management, offering a pathway to economic liberation and stability. It’s about making intelligent, strategic moves that align with your long-term goals, ensuring every step is closer to financial success.

These twelve money habits might feel like cheating because they make managing your finances more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable. By implementing these strategies, you’re not just managing your money; you’re actively growing it and setting yourself up for long-term financial success. Remember, the key to wealth building is how much you earn and how you manage and grow what you have.