Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

How To Force Your Brain To Crave Doing Hard Things

How To Force Your Brain To Crave Doing Hard Things

Pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zone is critical for growth and fulfillment. However, it’s human nature to prefer easy tasks that provide instant gratification over challenges that require effort and discomfort. How can we train our brains to embrace difficulties rather than avoid them? The key is understanding the science behind habits and purposefully reshaping

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9 Things Bad Companies Say To Their Employees-Toxic Workplace Signs

9 Things Bad Companies Say To Their Employees: Toxic Workplace Signs

Recognizing the signs of a toxic workplace is crucial for employees to protect their well-being and career growth. This blog post explores nine common phrases bad companies use that indicate an unhealthy work environment. By understanding these red flags, employees can make informed decisions about their professional lives and advocate for positive change. 1. “We’re

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Use These Shockingly Effective Budgeting Tips to Save More Money

Use These Shockingly Effective Budgeting Tips to Save More Money

Budgeting is arguably one of the most critical elements of intelligent personal financial planning. However, creating and sticking to a budget is easier said than done. Many people struggle to save money consistently every month. Life can get in the way, and those little impulse purchases add up. Before you know it, your bank account

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6 Things Money Can't Buy

6 Things Money Can’t Buy

Money is often seen as the key to a happy and fulfilled life. However, while money can provide comfort and security, numerous invaluable aspects of life cannot be bought. There are facets of the human experience that contribute significantly more to one’s happiness and fulfillment than material wealth alone. Society frequently associates money with success

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Double Your Savings Each Week With These 25 Practical Frugal Hacks

Double Your Savings Each Week With These 11 Practical Frugal Hacks

Saving money is more important than ever. However, growing your savings can seem impossible when prices increase daily and salaries remain flat. The good news is that with some practical, frugal wisdom and lifestyle tweaks, you can painlessly double your weekly savings – no drastic measures required! This article will walk you through actionable tips

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