Author name: Julianna Summers

Meditation Is Easier Than You Think

Meditation Is Easier Than You Think

Welcome to an exploration into the realm of meditation. This seemingly daunting practice often carries a reputation of requiring extensive discipline, rigorous mental control, and an overwhelming time commitment, making it appear as a formidable mountain to scale for many. However, this post clarifies these misconceptions and perhaps even changes your perception. Meditation, at its […]

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10 Habits to Follow for a Better Work-Life Balance

10 Habits to Follow for a Better Work-Life Balance

Our professional and personal lives often intermingle, creating a complex web that necessitates a delicate balance. As individuals, we strive to maintain an equilibrium that fosters our well-being in both spheres, a feat that is often elusive yet persistently sought after. This balance is an integral component of our overall wellness and success. The key

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7 tiny ways to simplify your life

7 Tiny Ways to Simplify Your Life

In today’s increasingly high-speed world, life’s complexities seem to escalate continuously. This frenzied reality can inadvertently disrupt our mental well-being and impede our personal growth, often overwhelming us. Embracing simplicity in this context might appear daunting or even counterintuitive. However, it’s worth noting that you don’t need to undertake massive, life-altering changes to introduce simplicity

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How to Control ANGER

How to Control ANGER? (Personality Development)

In the complex tapestry of human emotions, anger is a universal sentiment experienced by all. This prevalent emotion frequently materializes as a direct result of frustrations, threats, or a sense of perceived injustice. It is of vital importance to comprehend, however, that unchecked and uncontrolled anger carries the potential to have a negative influence on

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Open Minded People

Open Minded People

Dive into exploring a trait fundamental to human growth and evolution – open-mindedness. Is it merely accepting different views, or does it delve deeper, acting as the key to embracing novelty and diversity in our everyday experiences? This comprehensive guide invites you to decipher the true essence of open-mindedness. From understanding its characteristics and significance

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10 Signs You're In a GOOD PLACE Financially

10 Signs You’re In a GOOD PLACE Financially: Even if you don’t feel you are (FRUGAL LIVING TIPS)

In today’s world, financial stability is essential to overall well-being. It provides the foundation for personal security, enabling individuals to lead fulfilling lives without the constant anxiety that economic instability brings. However, understanding where you stand financially often becomes a complex task. It is not solely about how much money resides in your bank account

10 Signs You’re In a GOOD PLACE Financially: Even if you don’t feel you are (FRUGAL LIVING TIPS) Read More »

12 Effective Ways to Lower Your Cost of Living in 2023 (Saving Money with Frugal Living)

12 Effective Ways to Lower Your Cost of Living in 2023 (Saving Money with Frugal Living)

Navigating the volatile economic climate 2023 brings us face-to-face with the stark reality of escalating living costs. This trend, although dominant, does not confirm that we must accept a relentless increase in expenses. In opposition to this common belief, the impact of rising costs can be managed and minimized. This detailed guide presents a collection

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