12 Powerful Option Trading Strategies Every Trader Should Know

12 Powerful Option Trading Strategies Every Trader Should Know

Here are twelve powerful options trading strategies every option trader should understand how to execute. Links included in the option play names to articles explaining each strategy with graphics.

  1. Bull Call Spread
  2. Bull Put Spread
  3. Poor Man’s’ Covered Call
  4. Synthetic Shares
  5. Bear Call Spread
  6. Bear Put Spread
  7. Jade Lizard 
  8. Married Put
  9. Long & Short Straddles
  10. Long & Short Strangles
  11. Bearish Butterfly
  12. Long & Short Iron Condor

Here is an additional option strategy sheet cheat sheet for researching other option plays.

12 Powerful Option Trading Strategies Every Trader Should Know

Infographic from OptionsTradingIQ.com

I created my Options 101 eCourse to give a new option traders a shortcut to a quick and easy way to learn how stock options work.