Money management


Rich Trader’s 18 Principles for Trading Success

Here are the 18 principles of successful trading that I have learned from the study of rich traders and my own successful trading in the markets over the past 30+ years. Some of these principles will seem counter intuitive and may leave new traders scratching their heads until they fully understand what they really mean. […]

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The 10 Elements of Successful Trading

In trading you have heard that bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered. Here is a more expanded truth: Traders that have the right mind set, money management, and winning method make money, those that are missing even one of the three, will eventually ‘blow up’ their account. This applies to both

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The best pieces of trading advice

Here is some great trading advice I have gathered around the web. These were either answers from real traders to the question “What is the best trading advice you ever received?” Or it was advice given be successful traders when asked “What one piece of advice would you give to traders?”  There are some gems

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These Two Things Will Determine a Traders Success in 2012

Surprisingly winning traders success is not based on picking the right stock at the right time. Millionaires were not created from simply having a magic system for trading the markets. What is the secret sauce of long term successful traders? You might be surprised. #1. Having the right mindset to win in trading. (Trading Psychology)

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Answer These Questions Before You Trade

Ten Questions to ask Yourself Before Every Trade.

If you are just randomly trading what you like with no real underlying system, method, or planning, then unfortunately, your odds of success in the long term are slim. It is crucial that you create for yourself a system or methodology that enables you to trade in a way that historically wins, controls risk, and

Ten Questions to ask Yourself Before Every Trade. Read More »