Below is a list of the current most shorted stocks on the NYSE with short interest of over 20%. I have listed the ticker symbol, company name, and percent of short interest in relation to the shares outstanding. This data is for companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange only.
Stocks with extremely high short interest can eventually become volatile and make big swings to the upside due to short squeezes or gamma squeezes as shorts attempt to cover too late at the end of a downtrend. Traders, value investors, and bull raiders will often become interested in stocks with the highest short interest as the low price and short ratio can create a good risk/reward ratio and a high probability of a large trend to the upside even if it is short term.
This is a good watchlist to start with for deep value investors, deep dip buyers, and short squeeze plays.
Ticker/Company/Short interest
GTT GTT Communications Inc 40.29%
HPR HighPoint Resources Corp 32.78%
GSX GSX Techedu Inc 32.65%
REV Revlon Inc 28.17%
SKT Tanger Factory Outlet Centers 26.37%
FUBO Fubotv Inc 26.10%
TR Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. 25.67%
CVNA Carvana Co 24.89%
MAC Macerich Co 24.37%
LCI Lannett Company, Inc. 24.31%
GME GameStop Corp. 24.10%
KDMN Kadmon Holdings Inc 21.25%
DKS Dicks Sporting Goods Inc 21.16%
CWH Camping World Holdings Inc 20.35%