October 2022

SPY 200-day Moving Average Strategy

SPY 200-day Moving Average Strategy (Beats Buy and Hold)

Buy and hold investing is the strategy of buying a diversified portfolio of stocks using mutual funds or ETFs and holding them for the long-term. The normal hold time for buy and hold can be from 30 to 40 years. The strategy uses the historical returns for the U.S. stock market as its backtest. The

SPY 200-day Moving Average Strategy (Beats Buy and Hold) Read More »

new michael burry

Michael Burry’s Worrying Recession Warning (White-Collar Job Bubble)

Inflation is high, interest rates are rising, the consumer is going deeper into debt to keep up with the cost of living. Corporate profits continue to decline with drops in consumer discretionary spending and increasing labor, energy, and borrowing costs for business. Michael Burry predicted all of these things in the past 3 years. In

Michael Burry’s Worrying Recession Warning (White-Collar Job Bubble) Read More »

Paul Tudor Jones: We are getting ready to deploy our recession playbook

Paul Tudor Jones: We are getting ready to deploy our recession playbook

Paul Tudor Jones became famous after appearing in the PBS documentary The Trader in 1987 where he anticipated a stock market crash. He used stock index futures to triple his capital under management during the Black Monday crash in 1987 with large short positions while most other traders were ruined or suffered huge losses. His

Paul Tudor Jones: We are getting ready to deploy our recession playbook Read More »