10 Sacrifices I Made to Become Wealthy

10 Sacrifices I Made to Become Wealthy

There are ten sacrifices I had to make to become wealthy. Embarking on a journey towards wealth and financial success is often romanticized, yet the reality is steeped in sacrifices and tough choices. As someone who has navigated this path, I’ve experienced firsthand the many trade-offs and hard decisions required to achieve wealth.

I’ll share the top ten sacrifices instrumental in my financial journey in this article. These are steps I took and lessons I learned about the cost of building wealth, balancing life’s demands, and the relentless pursuit of success.

10 Things You Need to Sacrifice to Become Rich

Sacrifice 1: Personal Time and Leisure
Sacrifice 2: Delaying Immediate Gratification
Sacrifice 3: Juggling A Job, Trading, and a Business
Sacrifice 4: Prioritizing Business Networking Over Social Life
Sacrifice 5: Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
Sacrifice 6: Choosing Unconventional Career Paths
Sacrifice 7: Relinquishing Leisure Time
Sacrifice 8: Letting Go of Certain Relationships
Sacrifice 9: Adopting a Growth Mindset
Sacrifice 10: Cutting Back on Short-Term Spending

Here are the ten sacrifices I made to grow my wealth.

  1. Personal Time: Wealth often requires long hours, meaning less time for hobbies or leisure activities. I put in 80-hour weeks for a decade to break through in my trading and business.
  2. Immediate Gratification: Delaying gratification and investing in long-term goals is crucial. I diverted my income from spending to building capital for over a decade.
  3. Working At Just One Job: Initially, entrepreneurs might sacrifice a steady paycheck for uncertain business ventures. Or perform a job full-time to pay the bills and work on your own business full-time after work, on weekends, and vacations until you can leave your job. I worked both in my job and my trading business for seven years.
  4. Social Life: Networking for business can overshadow casual socializing. It would be best to connect with the leaders in the field you are trying to build wealth in and hang around people who have done what you want to do. I built relationships with the people I looked up to.
  5. Comfort Zone: Taking risks and facing potential failure is often necessary. I had to do things far outside my comfort zone, manage stress, and deal with uncertainty to achieve my goals.
  6. Conventional Career Paths: Pursuing unconventional or risky career moves can be essential. I had to create the life I wanted to live.
  7. Control Over Time: Early stages of wealth-building often mean business needs dictate how you spend your time. I had to be willing to do whatever it took to achieve my financial goals.
  8. Certain Relationships: Some personal and professional relationships may not align with new goals and your fast-paced lifestyle. I had to remove toxic people and relationships from my life to focus on maintaining the right mindset and energy level to achieve my goals.
  9. Fixed Mindset: A willingness to learn, adapt, and change your approach is vital. I developed a growth mindset to see every outcome as a lesson and grow into who I wanted to be step by step.
  10. Short-Term Spending: Investing money into business ventures or the stock market can mean less immediate funds to spend on leisure. I lived an overall frugal lifestyle for twenty years, so I had the capital to invest, trade, build my business, and become financially independent at a young age.

Keep reading for a deep dive into each of these areas.

Sacrifice 1: Personal Time and Leisure

The first and perhaps most significant sacrifice was my time. I often worked 80-hour weeks for over a decade to break through in my trading and business. This meant sacrificing hobbies, entertainment, and leisure activities.

Weekends and evenings were no longer for relaxation but for strategizing my trading system and executing my business plans. This intense focus on work inevitably affected my relationships short term, but it was a necessary trade-off for achieving my long-term goals.

Sacrifice 2: Delaying Immediate Gratification

I learned early on the importance of delaying gratification. Instead of spending my income on immediate purchases, debt payments, and lifestyle inflation, I focused on building capital. This meant driving an older car, skipping expensive vacations, and generally living below my means.

Watching others enjoy their new cars, big houses, and toys while I pinched pennies wasn’t difficult as I’m naturally a non-materialist and minimalist. This discipline allowed me to invest in my future. It’s a sacrifice that has paid off significantly in the long run with wealth, time, and freedom.

Sacrifice 3: Juggling A Job, Trading, and a Business

I balanced a full-time job with my trading, website, and book publishing endeavors for many years. This often meant working evenings, weekends, and even during vacations.

Managing multiple responsibilities was daunting, but it taught me valuable time management and prioritization skills. These years were instrumental in building a solid foundation for my later success.

Sacrifice 4: Prioritizing Business Networking Over Social Life

As I ventured deeper into the business world, I realized the importance of networking. This often meant sacrificing casual socializing for more strategic business relationships. I spent considerable time identifying and connecting with industry leaders, learning from their experiences, and building a network that would be invaluable for my career.

This focus sometimes came at the cost of my social life, but the long-term benefits were undeniable.

Sacrifice 5: Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone was pivotal in my journey. Whether making a significant investment, trying a new trading strategy, or starting my blog, each step involved a degree of uncertainty and fear of failure. These experiences, however, were crucial for my growth, teaching me resilience and the importance of embracing challenges.

Sacrifice 6: Choosing Unconventional Career Paths

I often found myself deviating from conventional career paths. This involved taking risks that many might consider unwise or too adventurous. Whether it was investing a significant portion of my savings into the stock market or spending countless hours building my website, these unconventional choices were critical in shaping my career trajectory and, ultimately, in achieving success.

Sacrifice 7: Relinquishing Leisure Time

In the early stages of my trading and business building, my time was not my own. Business needs often dictated my schedule, and I had to be willing to adjust my personal life accordingly. This usually meant missing out on family events or personal time. However, this sacrifice was essential for building my business and trading career.

Sacrifice 8: Letting Go of Certain Relationships

Not all personal and professional relationships were conducive to my goals. Over time, I had to make tough decisions to distance myself from toxic or unproductive relationships. This process was challenging but necessary to maintain the mindset and energy required to achieve my goals.

Who you spend the most time with will influence your mindset and destiny, choose carefully. You will rise to the level of the people you most associate with and look up to.

Sacrifice 9: Adopting a Growth Mindset

One of the most significant mental skills I have had naturally is a growth mindset. This meant viewing every outcome, good or bad, as a learning opportunity. It is how I view success and failure, seeing them not as endpoints but as steps in my journey of growth and self-improvement.

I never believed my current reality was where I would stay. I always envisioned who I wanted to become and how my future reality would look. This has made all the difference in my life trajectory.

Sacrifice 10: Cutting Back on Short-Term Spending

I adopted a frugal lifestyle from a young age to ensure I had the capital to invest and grow my wealth. This meant cutting back on short-term spending in many aspects of my life. Living frugally allowed me to allocate more resources towards my investments and business ventures, which was crucial for achieving financial independence at a relatively young age.

I chose to save over spend and to invest over getting into debt. I converted my earned income into investment capital starting when I was 19 and never stopped.

The Rewards of Sacrifice

These sacrifices were not easy, but they were essential for achieving the wealth, freedom, free time, independence, and financial success I enjoy today. It’s important to remember that the path to wealth is not just about your financial strategies but also about your sacrifices and lifestyle choices.

Perseverance and resilience are essential, and the rewards might take time to materialize, but they are well worth the effort. I know they have been for me.

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize career ambitions over personal hobbies and relaxation.
  • Focus on long-term financial objectives instead of instant pleasures.
  • Balance multiple professional endeavors simultaneously.
  • Allocate more time to strategic networking than casual socializing.
  • Embrace risk-taking and stepping into unfamiliar situations for growth.
  • Opt for non-traditional career routes and innovative ventures.
  • Allow business demands to govern your schedule in the initial phases.
  • Phase out relationships that hinder personal and professional development.
  • Cultivate a mindset oriented towards continuous learning and adaptation.
  • Live modestly to amass capital for future investments and business growth.


Embarking on the path to wealth necessitates deliberate and often challenging choices. It involves a consistent commitment to growth, the courage to explore uncharted avenues, and the wisdom to recognize and embrace change.

These principles pave the way for financial prosperity and foster a lifestyle of resilience, adaptability, and strategic foresight. The journey to wealth is more than a financial quest; it’s a transformative expedition that reshapes priorities, relationships, and personal paradigms. By integrating these insights, one can navigate the intricate journey to becoming wealthy. I hope sharing the sacrifices I made to become wealthy helps you grow your own wealth.