Author name: Steve Burns

After a lifelong fascination with financial markets, Steve began investing in 1993 and trading his accounts in 1995. It was love at first trade. After more than 30 successful years in the markets, Steve now dedicates his time to helping traders improve their psychology and profitability. New Trader U offers an extensive blog resource with more than 4,000 original articles, online courses, and best-selling books covering various topics.

The Top 10 Distinctions Between Winning Traders & Whining Traders

          There are two different types of traders, one that wins and one that whines. Whiners never win and winners never whine. Trading is a tough business and your have to be able to keep the right mind set to get you through the rough spots when the markets starts try

The Top 10 Distinctions Between Winning Traders & Whining Traders Read More »

Trading: Mistakes versus Losses. 10 BIG MISTAKES

Lose your money,but keep your discipline. Trading is about following a method, system, or rules that give you an advantage over other market participants in the long run. There are good bets and bad bets. There are traders who follow a trading plan with discipline and others that start trading out of fear and greed

Trading: Mistakes versus Losses. 10 BIG MISTAKES Read More »