the color red

How the Psychology of Color Can Affect Your Trading Decisions

How Does Color Affect Your Trading Decisions? The color red has long been associated with bullfighting, which symbolizes the bull’s fury, and with financial adversity in the stock market, causing investors to tremble at the mere sight of it. Yet, upon closer examination, the relationship between red and aggression or poor performance is far from

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What is a Recession and How Does it Impact the Economy?

A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting a minimum of a few months, and usually visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. Recessions have significant impacts on the economy, as they result in decreased consumer spending and increased unemployment. Businesses also suffer during

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Investing Basics: Bonds

Are Bonds a Good Investment? Bonds are a type of investment that allows individuals to lend money to governments, corporations, or other organizations. They are often seen as a less risky option than stocks and can provide a steady income stream through interest payments. Bonds are the ownership of the debt of a company or

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man with cat

The Quiet Power of Introverts

Amidst a society that glorifies flamboyant traits such as assertiveness and gregariousness, it’s simple to overlook the incredible might of introverts. However, introverts possess unique characteristics that render them remarkably suited for winning. Four reasons that make introverts formidable forces in the world: They understand themselves, their strengths, and their weaknesses. They think deeply about

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mind maze

21 Mind Traps: The Ultimate Guide To Your Most Common Thinking Errors

What is a Negative Mental Model (Mind Trap)? Mental models are frameworks of understanding that help us make sense of the world around us. They are simplified representations of complex concepts, processes, and systems that allow us to process information and make decisions more efficiently. A negative mental model can become a mind trap, limiting

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